“You’re Crazy!”

I hear this phrase all too often when people find out my daily schedule and I don’t find it offensive in any way, shape or form. It actually keeps me motivated with the goals I have set for myself. Some of those goals I will never share with anyone while other goals are well known by anyone who would allow me to share my goals.

You see, I currently work two jobs and I’m extremely active at my church. My sleep consists of naps for the most part and in an average day when I work both jobs I get around 4-5 hours of sleep (not all at once, it’s usually spread throughout the day). I will admit that the first two weeks of when I got my second job it was extremely difficult to adjust to but now it’s become a routine. I don’t need people and don’t want people to feel bad for me. I have met far more “crazier” people who are doing the same and have their own kids to raise as well.

I have made a lot of dumb decisions in the past when it comes to finances and I’m seeing the result of it now. By the grace and strength of God, I have managed to pay over 10K in debt in one year alone. The reason I share this post is because I want people to know that one of my biggest goals is to be debt free. I don’t have two jobs because I’m money hungry, I have two jobs because in the near future I want to be content and comfortable with only my main job and not have to worry about making ends meet.

I’m doing this for my family and for myself but I also want to encourage those around me to do the same. Whether it be financially or any other goals they have in mind, it’s going to take time. Keep working and keep doing what you need to do to achieve your goals. Even on the days you have absolutely no motivation, go to the gym, go for that walk, talk to that person, show up for work, turn in that assignment, sign up for that class, do what you have to do to get to where you want to be. I will celebrate your win. You got this.

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