Community: A Necessity

As an introvert, I really enjoy my time alone and doing things by myself. At one point before God came into my life and shook it up, I had the mentality of: “I don’t need anyone, I got this on my own,” and while that mentality still crosses my mind from time to time, I’ve learned that it has a lot to do with the pride within me.

I have a difficult time asking for help even when people are offering it but as I get older I understand the need for community and that need to surround yourself with others. Aside from feeling like you belong somewhere when you have a community of people around you, that community begins to be a reason of why you push yourself to be a better version of you. The community you surround yourself with also brings perspective to your life; the type of perspective you were probably oblivious to because you only have your own way of looking at life.

Overall, surrounding yourself with a community will help in your growth process because you’ll see the areas you need work on as well as the type of people you need in your life. And don’t be afraid when your community changes! Some people who’ve been in your community for more than 10 years can unfortunately leave or fade away, so don’t feel threatened when other people start jumping in to your community.

Community is a necessity, it may not have to be large but we still need to surround ourselves with at least a handful of people we can do life with.

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